his is a label design project for the first wine of an Oenology course in the south of Brazil, entitled Primum. Here I describe the design process and the result of this work. 
We used a DNA deconstruction as a basis for the art of the label. The first bottle of the course was an importante milestone and its label must convey their personality.

The partnership was signed between IFSC - Campus Florianópolis and Campus Urupema to develop a wine label. The competences exchanged were between the students of Oenology, who produced the wine, and the students of Product Design, who created their label.

We visited the campus and had the opportunity to see how the wine was produced. We also had a conversation with the students responsible for Primum.
Creating the concepts

After the visit, the concepts were generated from the conversation with the oenology students and what we saw. They led us to reflect on the construction of an identity.
The first concept was the spilled wine. It represented the flows, waves, being strong. 

The second was de DNA, that represented the identity, unique, the self. 

And the last was the movement, along with the wine, it represented the state when you drink wine. 

After the concepts, we started to draw a few options that represented the concepts. Working ate Illustrator and in Photoshop, we decided for an option and then presented to the students. 
The chosen label was also your favorite. It was simple, but represented their feelings of identity and selfness. It displays the name, the movements, the type of grape, quantity and alcohol percentage. 

In the back was a little text representing what the wine means.  

For the colors, we choose 2 mains colors: a red (#591325) and the blue (#112F3F).
The results

At the end, we delivered the label for the class, and they were responsible for labeling it at the bottles. 

As it was the first time doing this kind of project, I had a lot of learnings, but the one I keep to myself until today is that it is important to always know to whom you are doing a project, what they are feeling, how they express themselves. Things get easier to see when you talk to people and you can get in their feet. 

We were very proud of the results, and were also the students. 

"We loved it. It really represents their identity and all the work they have done along the semester." - Carolina Panceri, teacher of the class. 

This project took us about 3 months, between the first contact until the bottles were labeled. 
The label was also in the news, you can read it here: read it here (it's in Portuguese).
Let's talk
I currently work as a Product Designer at RD Station, write about my experience at Medium and enjoy cooking and making candles in my spare time. 

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Wine Label: Primum

Wine Label: Primum

Label for the first wine of a Oenology course in the southen Brazil.
